Useful Links
The California Olive Oil Councilhttp://www.cooc.comThe COOC was created in 1992 to exchange information about growing olives & making olive oil. California ~ a source of world class olive oil!
Olive Oil Sourcehttp://www.oliveoilsource.comA large, well organized site containing a wealth of information on the olive oil industry. This site also has a lot of information on related topics such as planting & harvesting, equipment & containers, recipes & health, books and links to a large number of related sites.
The International Olive Oil Councilhttp://www.internationaloliveoil.orgA very political website focused on international trade. However, they do offer a number of publications and the site does contain a certain amount of useful information UC Davis Vossen Study Alfa Laval major player in the olive refining equipment arena. Their products for the olive oil industry include equipment for all operations from washing through crushing, malaxing, and extraction to final clarification of the oil.
Olive Oil Sourcehttp://www.oliveoilsource.comA large, well organized site containing a wealth of information on the olive oil industry. This site also has a lot of information on related topics such as planting & harvesting, equipment & containers, recipes & health, books and links to a large number of related sites.
The International Olive Oil Councilhttp://www.internationaloliveoil.orgA very political website focused on international trade. However, they do offer a number of publications and the site does contain a certain amount of useful information UC Davis Vossen Study Alfa Laval major player in the olive refining equipment arena. Their products for the olive oil industry include equipment for all operations from washing through crushing, malaxing, and extraction to final clarification of the oil.
Recommended References (Books)
Olive Production Manual* (English)Edited by Louise Fergeson, Steve Sibbett and George MartinUniversity of California, Division of Agricultural ResourcesPublication # 3353, 1994
Desert Olive Oil Cultivation: Advanced Biotechnologies* (English)Zeeve WiesmanAcademic Press, 2009, Boston, MA 01803An excellent review if the Israeli experience for the last 20 years in growing olives under adverse conditions. Forward-looking with regard to technology and innovative approaches. A valuable reference for anyone considering olive cultivation under marginal or adverse conditions.
Olive Oil: Chemistry & Technology* (English, 2nd Ed 2006)Dimitrius Boskou Ed., AOCS Publishing.An excellent review of olive oil technology. The chapters on "Olive Oil Composition" and "Analysis and Authentication" are extensive, detailed and well referenced. A valuable reference for anyone struggling with the problems of olive oil adulteration.
Olives* (English 2009)Ioannis TheriosCABI, Cambridge, MA 02139This is more of a nurseryman's reference, which is not surprising since the author is Professor of Pomology. Heavy emphasis on propagation, planting, irrigation and nutrition. Concice descriptions of all of the major olive varietals. Lots of current references on the areas not thougherly covered.
Olive Oil from Tree to Table* (Second Ed, 1998, English)Apostolos (Paul) K. KiritsakisFood and Nutrition Press, Trumbell, Connecticut 06611An excellent overview for anyone just entering the Olive Oil arena. Clearly written and well illustrated with photographs and graphs. Somewhat dated in the areas of olive oil analysis and authentication as these areas have advanced very rapidly in the last 12 years.
Olive Oil: Minor Constituents and Health (English, 2009)Dimitrius Boskou Ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis New YorkAn ambitious approach to an important and difficult area. Boskou tackles the tricky subject of trying to evaluate the effects on human health of the phenolics, sterols, triterpenes and hydrocarbons in olive oil. Well thought-out and very current this is a valuable reference for anyone trying to evaluate the beneficial effects of olive oil.
World Olive Encyclopedia*International Olive Oil Council, Madrid, Spain, English, 1st Ed. 1996.A well written and beautifully illustrated volume, it is an excellent introduction to olive cultivation and processing world-wide. Due to the tremendous technical advances of the last 14 years, the technical portions of the book are out of date.
Pruning and Training Systems for Modern Olive Growing* (English)Ricardo Gucci and Claudio Cantini, CSIRO Publishing150 Oxford Street (P.O. Box 1139), Collingwood VIC 3066, AustraliaPh: + 61 3 9662 7500, Fax: + 61 3 9662 7555E-Mail: sales@publish.csiro;
Variedades Del Olive (Spanish)By J. Tous Marti and A. Romero ArocaFondacion "La Caixa", Via Laietana 56, 08003 Barcleona, Spain
El Cultivo Del Olivo (Spanish)By Diego Barranco, Ricardo Fernanez Escobar and Luis RalloMundi Pensa Libros S. A., Castillo 37 - 28001 Madrid, Spain* Available from Amazon
Olive Production Manual* (English)Edited by Louise Fergeson, Steve Sibbett and George MartinUniversity of California, Division of Agricultural ResourcesPublication # 3353, 1994
Desert Olive Oil Cultivation: Advanced Biotechnologies* (English)Zeeve WiesmanAcademic Press, 2009, Boston, MA 01803An excellent review if the Israeli experience for the last 20 years in growing olives under adverse conditions. Forward-looking with regard to technology and innovative approaches. A valuable reference for anyone considering olive cultivation under marginal or adverse conditions.
Olive Oil: Chemistry & Technology* (English, 2nd Ed 2006)Dimitrius Boskou Ed., AOCS Publishing.An excellent review of olive oil technology. The chapters on "Olive Oil Composition" and "Analysis and Authentication" are extensive, detailed and well referenced. A valuable reference for anyone struggling with the problems of olive oil adulteration.
Olives* (English 2009)Ioannis TheriosCABI, Cambridge, MA 02139This is more of a nurseryman's reference, which is not surprising since the author is Professor of Pomology. Heavy emphasis on propagation, planting, irrigation and nutrition. Concice descriptions of all of the major olive varietals. Lots of current references on the areas not thougherly covered.
Olive Oil from Tree to Table* (Second Ed, 1998, English)Apostolos (Paul) K. KiritsakisFood and Nutrition Press, Trumbell, Connecticut 06611An excellent overview for anyone just entering the Olive Oil arena. Clearly written and well illustrated with photographs and graphs. Somewhat dated in the areas of olive oil analysis and authentication as these areas have advanced very rapidly in the last 12 years.
Olive Oil: Minor Constituents and Health (English, 2009)Dimitrius Boskou Ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis New YorkAn ambitious approach to an important and difficult area. Boskou tackles the tricky subject of trying to evaluate the effects on human health of the phenolics, sterols, triterpenes and hydrocarbons in olive oil. Well thought-out and very current this is a valuable reference for anyone trying to evaluate the beneficial effects of olive oil.
World Olive Encyclopedia*International Olive Oil Council, Madrid, Spain, English, 1st Ed. 1996.A well written and beautifully illustrated volume, it is an excellent introduction to olive cultivation and processing world-wide. Due to the tremendous technical advances of the last 14 years, the technical portions of the book are out of date.
Pruning and Training Systems for Modern Olive Growing* (English)Ricardo Gucci and Claudio Cantini, CSIRO Publishing150 Oxford Street (P.O. Box 1139), Collingwood VIC 3066, AustraliaPh: + 61 3 9662 7500, Fax: + 61 3 9662 7555E-Mail: sales@publish.csiro;
Variedades Del Olive (Spanish)By J. Tous Marti and A. Romero ArocaFondacion "La Caixa", Via Laietana 56, 08003 Barcleona, Spain
El Cultivo Del Olivo (Spanish)By Diego Barranco, Ricardo Fernanez Escobar and Luis RalloMundi Pensa Libros S. A., Castillo 37 - 28001 Madrid, Spain* Available from Amazon