LECHIN Di SEVILLAArea of origin: The Spanish provinces of Seville, Cordoba, Cadiz, Malaga and Huelva.
NAME: Its name (from the Spanish root "leche" meaning "milk") comes from the whitish color of its pulp and its oily liquid (a mixture of vegetable water and oil).
TREE: It is characterized by being very vigorous with large roots, an open appearance and a thick, dense crown. It is a rustic tree and tolerates cold weather, droughts and limy or bad quality soils. Although it is productive, its flowering period is average and there are a number of faults in the harvest due to blossom deterioration. Harvesting is expensive as the drupe is large and resists picking.
FRUIT: The average olive weighs almost 3 grams and is ellipsoidal, a little convex at the back and slightly asymmetrical. The end is rounded and sometimes has a small teat. It is black when ripe. The oil content is medium to low, about 18%, and it has a high flesh-to-pit ratio of about 7.2 to 8.5. It ripens early.
LEAF: It is small, flat, short and a little wider in the middle. The top side is a bright yellowish-green and the back is gray-green.
OIL: From a physical-chemical point of view, its composition makes it rather unstable as far as oxidation is concerned, and it loses its organoleptic properties relatively quickly. From an organoleptic point of view, it is a balanced smooth-pouring oil, with an average, grassy aroma of olives. The flavor is bitter with an average peak intensity and leaves a green almond aftertaste in the mouth. It is very pleasant when recently produced.
NAME: Its name (from the Spanish root "leche" meaning "milk") comes from the whitish color of its pulp and its oily liquid (a mixture of vegetable water and oil).
TREE: It is characterized by being very vigorous with large roots, an open appearance and a thick, dense crown. It is a rustic tree and tolerates cold weather, droughts and limy or bad quality soils. Although it is productive, its flowering period is average and there are a number of faults in the harvest due to blossom deterioration. Harvesting is expensive as the drupe is large and resists picking.
FRUIT: The average olive weighs almost 3 grams and is ellipsoidal, a little convex at the back and slightly asymmetrical. The end is rounded and sometimes has a small teat. It is black when ripe. The oil content is medium to low, about 18%, and it has a high flesh-to-pit ratio of about 7.2 to 8.5. It ripens early.
LEAF: It is small, flat, short and a little wider in the middle. The top side is a bright yellowish-green and the back is gray-green.
OIL: From a physical-chemical point of view, its composition makes it rather unstable as far as oxidation is concerned, and it loses its organoleptic properties relatively quickly. From an organoleptic point of view, it is a balanced smooth-pouring oil, with an average, grassy aroma of olives. The flavor is bitter with an average peak intensity and leaves a green almond aftertaste in the mouth. It is very pleasant when recently produced.